ÉQUIPE : Physiopathologie Surrénalienne et Gonadique
STATUT : Maître de conférences des universités
ORCID : 0000-0002-1100-9401
Christine Rondanino defended her PhD thesis in 2003 on nuclear transport of glycoproteins at the University of Orléans. She then studied membrane trafficking and signaling as a postdoctoral researcher for 5 years at the University of Pittsburgh and for 2 years at the Institute of Genetics and Development of Rennes. Since 2011, her research focuses on spermatogenesis.
After a 2-year project on the pathophysiology of infertility in azoospermic patients at the University of Auvergne, she joined the University of Rouen Normandy and became Assistant Professor in 2015. She is mainly developing research on the prepubertal testis, the molecular mechanisms involved in the initiation of spermatogenesis in vitro or under physiological conditions, fertility preservation and restoration and the nuclear quality of spermatozoa in infertile or cancer patients.