Ludovic DUMONT
ÉQUIPE : Physiopathologie Surrénalienne et Gonadique
STATUT : Ingénieur de recherche
ORCID : 0000-0001-6882-6413
After professional experiences in the team Biology of the Centrosome and the Cilia (UMR 144) of the Institut Curie (2010-2011) in Paris and in the team Asymmetric Divisions in Oocytes (UMR 7241) of the Collège de France (2011-2012), Ludovic Dumont defended his PhD thesis in 2016 on “Effects of controlled slow freezing and vitrification on murine prepubertal testicular tissue: impact on in vitro differentiation of spermatogonia”in the EA 4308 team Gametogenesis and Gamete Quality.
He became a Research Engineer at University of Rouen Normandy in 2020 and is currently part of theInsermunit U 1239 | Neuroendocrine Endocrine and Germline Differentiation and Communication (NorDiC) in the team Adrenal and Gonadal Physiopathology Team (AGoPath).
His area of research covers fertility preservation and restoration in young boys with cancerwith the help, in particular, of animal models. His current research focuses on the monitoring of freezing procedures, the improvement of in vitro spermatogenesis techniques, the evaluation of biological quality of male gamete, the assessment of the impact of chemotherapeutic agents on testicular tissue, and the understanding of new -omics tools associated to man reproductive field.
His area of research covers fertility preservation and restoration in young boys with cancerwith the help, in particular, of animal models. His current research focuses on the monitoring of freezing procedures, the improvement of in vitro spermatogenesis techniques, the evaluation of biological quality of male gamete, the assessment of the impact of chemotherapeutic agents on testicular tissue, and the understanding of new -omics tools associated to man reproductive field.